Often times people may ask themselves, why did this have to happen to me? I am guilty of doing this myself, especially when I was suffering at the hands of my abuser. I would wonder what did I do to deserve this? Was it my fault? Did I make him want to hurt me, curse me, mistreat me? As I went through the process of healing and becoming free, I had to check these thoughts. No one deserves to be abused. When I reference abuse, I want to make it clear that it is not just physical. No one deserves to be belittled, manipulated, controlled, or forced to do something against their own will.
April is Child Abuse Prevention and Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Because of this, I felt compelled to discuss the “Why Me Syndrome.” Those who may have experienced either of these types of abuse may have also wondered why they had to go through what they went through. It is difficult to overcome abuse especially when it happens by someone you should be able to trust (parent, partner, family member, family friend, etc.), but it is not impossible.
There is NO THING too hard for God to deliver us from. Click To Tweet He can heal those who have endured abuse and He has. He did it for me. It was easier for me at one point to give into the “Why Me Syndrome.” It was harder for me to move from a victim state of mind to one of victory. Through prayer, fellowship with other women who had overcome, wise counsel, and most importantly leaving the ones who hurt me I am healed.
The next time you find yourself wondering why me, I challenge you to ask yourself instead, “Why not me?” What do I mean by that? Well, some things we go through, we are meant to use to help others and to bring glory to God. I am grateful for every experience that brought me to where I am today. Did I want to go through it while it was happening? Absolutely not, but it strengthened my relationship with Christ and showed me what He was capable to do in and through me. It is a daily task to check my mindset and make sure that I am coming from a place of victory and not as a victim of my circumstances. What was supposed to take me out, didn’t. No weapon formed against me was able to prosper! I’m sure Jesus could have questioned ‘why me’ many times as He was mistreated just for showing God’s love, but he set the greatest example by laying his life down for us. He submitted to the process for the will of God to be fulfilled. Mark 14:36 says “Abba, Father,” he cried out, ‘everything is possible for you. Please take this cup of suffering away from me. Yet I want your will to be done, not mine.” It is inevitable that we will all endure suffering in this life. Whatever your cup of suffering is, I pray that you find a way to turn it around and use it to bring glory to the one who saved us all.
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