The Girl With The Crooked Smile Virtual Book Tour
Your favorite Award Winning Author has done it again! Join me and my daughters, Naya & Nae, for a reading of the "The Girl With The Crooked Smile;" which is my new children's book! Learn the inspiration behind the story and bring your children with you for some quality family time.
Book description: Tela Geoffrey is a 10 year old girl who has one wish and that's to be beautiful. Tela believes that she would be beautiful if it weren't for her crooked smile. After being teased by her school crush, she later discovers the power behind I Am, self-acceptance, and faith. Infused with diary entries, trips to the nurse's office, recess discoveries, and more - you will be inspired to embrace God's design in your own life! The book is available now on Amazon and autographed copies for pre-order on my website Individuals who buy an autographed copy will also receive a customized bookmark! #notbymyown #thegirlwiththecrookedsmile #thisisformydaddy
Thank you to Rachael Turner of Rosemint Media for featuring The Girl With The Crooked Smile along with these Amazing Black Children’s Book Brands in Chicago!
Thank you to Sheen Magazine for shedding light on this very important topic and providing Whit Devereaux’s books and blog as resources.
Thank you LITerature for Black Kids for showcasing a live book reading of The Girl With The Crooked Smile!
Special thanks to Burst Into Books for having my family and I as the guest readers for Bedtime Stories! Click HERE to watch the replay and grab your copy of The Girl With The Crooked Smile.